Andrew James

Sales Consultant and Property Management

About me

My name is Andrew James (AJ), I moved to Dunedin from the North Island more than 12 years ago for a short-term work contract and haven’t left since. I wouldn’t live anywhere other than the Pride of the South, Dunedin.

From owning a childcare and sport coaching business, to running large scale events, my history in the workforce centres around organisation, customer satisfaction and connecting with individuals from all walks of life. People are my passion, be it helping a client find their perfect property, or meeting a fellow rugby fanatic at a Highlanders game.

I have recently become a licensed salesperson after gaining two years experience with Cutlers Property Management. I love to add value to other’s lives and look forward to catering to the needs of the market with my strong work ethic and local knowledge.

Interested in chatting about investing in Dunedin, like I have done for the past 12 years? Want to know more about the local rental market? Pick up the phone and let’s chew the fat!