• 0 Square metres


370m2 approx. of space (previously Life Pharmacy) located on the ground floor of Wall Street Mall.
The space is split into two areas:
276 m2 approx. on the ground floor.
93 m2 approx. on the floor leading to Filleul Street.
Can be leased as two separate spaces, or as one.

Fantastic foot traffic with two entrances, through the Mall or via Filleul with escalators leading to the space.

Other quality tenants include:
Marbecks Food Store, Joonis Crepes, Maru Sushi, Lush, Levis, Country Road, Paganui, Suits on Wall Street, Rod & Gunn, Taking Shape, Maher Shoes, Luxurious Spa & Nails, The Rub.

With the vibrant new George Street upgrade due to be finished prior to Christmas now is the time to secure a space.

Call today to arrange a viewing.